start a waste business just in 10 thousand and earn 1 lakh per month know how varpat

New Delhi. If you want to start your own business for more income, but do not have much money, then you can easily do business even with less investment. Today we are telling you about such a business idea which you can start by investing only 10 to 15 thousand rupees and can earn 80 thousand to 1 lakh rupees every month. This business is of waste material (How do I start a waste business?). Yes! You can start a business with household junk. So let’s know how big is its market and how to start it?

Know how big is the junk business
More than 2 billion tons of waste material is generated every year worldwide. In India, this figure is more than 277 million tons. Managing such a huge amount of waste is the most difficult task, although in the last few years many initiatives have been started regarding waste management. Many people are dealing with this challenge as well as earning well by making things like home decor items, jewelry, paintings from waste material. Be it Shubham Kumar, a young man from Ranchi or Shikha Sah from Banaras. These people have built their future from the junk business and today they are doing business in lakhs.

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Know how to start this business?
To start this, first of all collect the useless items around you and your house, that is, junk. If you want, you can take the waste from the Municipal Corporation. You can also pick up the items from the junk dealers. Many customers also provide waste material, you can also buy it from them. After this, clean it. Do the work of designing and coloring it. For example, you can make a bamboo toothbrush. Its price on Amazon is around Rs 70. Apart from this, you can prepare cups, wooden crafts, kettles, glasses, combs and other home decoration items. Finally, the marketing work begins. You can sell it on e-commerce companies Amazon and Flipkart. You can sell it on both online and offline platforms.

Shubham is earning 10 lakhs per year
Shubham, who runs the startup The, says that in the beginning, he started collecting junk from house to house with one rickshaw, one auto and three people. Today, the monthly turnover of this company has reached eight to ten lakh rupees. Shubham says that 40 to 50 tons of junk is collected in a month. This company was started two years ago with four people. Today, 28 people have got employment in this company.

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what do you do with junk
According to Shubham, junk is sent for recycling. Iron, paper, cardboard, plastic are sent to different factories and recycled and made usable again. Shikha started her business from home. Shikha has set up a company by making unique items from waste material. The name of Shikha’s company is Scrapshala. She says that we started the business with 15 thousand rupees. We take waste from the Municipal Corporation. Shikha says that we clean, design and color the junk and then sell it in the market with new designs.

Tags: New Business Idea, Online business

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