The A-15 rifle is a known enemy of the Americans... The attacker did not choose this weapon without reason, it is available like a toy

Washington: The attack on former US President Donald Trump has once again raised concerns over gun culture in America. The assassination attempt with an automatic rifle has once again shown that rifles are easily available for shooters in America. The question is that the AR-15-style rifle is one of the most popular guns in America. The surprising thing is that this gun is used in shootings every day in America. Let us tell you that it is available like a toy in America.

Let us tell you that the AR-15 assault rifle with which the attack was carried out is considered very dangerous. After this attack, serious questions have been raised about the security cover of secret agents and Trump. If someone is hit by a bullet fired from an AR-15 rifle, then it becomes impossible for him to survive. Let us know about this rifle.

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Why are AR-15s so deadly?
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, meaning it can fire multiple shots in quick succession. Its cousin, the M-16, has been used by the US military since Vietnam. While some military assault rifles are fully automatic, civilians are prohibited from owning such weapons in most circumstances.

AR-15s fire high-velocity bullets that travel at three times the speed of handgun rounds, are accurate at long ranges, and inflict extensive, devastating wounds to soft tissues and internal organs. While handguns are responsible for more deaths per year in the United States, AR-15s are frequently used in high-profile mass shootings.

Cheap and easy
Buying an AR-15 in the US is easy. Depending on the state, a prospective owner can walk into a gun shop and, after presenting a valid ID, purchase a rifle or shotgun. Provided they can pass a federal background check. This process looks at the buyer’s criminal history or whether they have ever been to a mental institution. But even this cursory check can be bypassed in the case of a private sale.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) promotes rifles for recreational target practice and home defense, but critics say their lethality means they should not be in the hands of civilians.

Tags: America News, Donald Trump

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