The talk of the world and the pride of friendship too... India played such a move in Ukraine Peace Summit that China and Pakistan must be regretting it now

New Delhi: The friendship between India and Russia is not strong just like that. In the Ukraine Peace Summit, India made such a move that even Putin must have been happy. India has been in favor of peace in any war. India has had the same stand in the Russia-Ukraine war as well. But the whole world was shocked when India did not sign the Ukraine peace document in Switzerland. India made this move when more than 80 countries of the world signed this peace document. But India did not want any kind of betrayal with its friend Russia. India is not against this peace document. But the only reason for not signing it is also Russia. India wants that for any peaceful solution, it is necessary for both the parties i.e. Russia and Ukraine to be on one platform. Also, the opinion of both is also important.

Actually, Ukraine Peace Summit was organized in Switzerland. Some countries including India did not sign the joint statement containing the peace document for peace in the Russia-Ukraine war. India underlined the need for honest and practical participation between Russia and Ukraine for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. India believes that the participation and opinion of both the parties is necessary before signing any peace document. India said that it is necessary to bring all stakeholders together for peace. This is the reason why India distanced itself from any joint statement or peace document to be issued from the summit.

Why did India not sign
Now the question arises that why did India adopt this stand? So the biggest reason for this is the friendship between India and Russia. India wants peace, but not on one-sided terms. Because Russia was not involved in the Ukraine Peace Summit. Because of this India had to adopt this stand. India wants that before reaching any conclusion, it is necessary for Russia and Ukraine to be together on one platform. So that the world can form its opinion or consensus after listening to both the sides. If the report is to be believed, Russia was not invited to this summit. However, China and Pakistan were invited to attend it. But both Pakistan and China refused to attend the Switzerland Summit.

China and Pakistan regret seeing India’s move
But in this matter, India went one step ahead of China and Pakistan. If India wanted, it could have stayed away from the Ukraine Peace Summit like Pakistan and China for the sake of friendship with Russia. But India maintained the world’s respect and also the dignity of friendship. Whenever there is talk of peace, the world looks towards India. In such a situation, Modi maintained that tradition and sent his Foreign Ministry Secretary (West) Pawan Kapoor to this summit advocating peace. Russia could have been upset with this stand of India. But Russia will be very happy with India not signing the peace document in Ukraine. On the other hand, Pakistan and China will be regretting that if only we had also taken a stand like India. We would have done this after going there.

India hit two targets with one arrow
By going to Switzerland and not signing the Ukraine peace document, the Modi government has killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, by attending the peace summit, it has maintained its image as a peace ambassador in front of the world. Secondly, India has also saved the honour of its friendship with Russia. By not attending the Ukraine Peace Summit, Pakistan and China have come under the scrutiny of the world. But India not only participated in the summit, but also put forth its stand firmly. Putin will definitely be happy with this. In fact, Secretary (West) in the Ministry of External Affairs Pawan Kapoor represented India in the summit held at the Swiss resort Bergenstock in Switzerland. Representatives of more than 100 countries and organizations, including many heads of state, participated in this summit.

Pawan Kapoor explains why
India’s senior diplomat at the summit said that India’s participation in the peace summit and several previous meetings of senior officials based on Ukraine’s peace formula are in line with our clear and consistent view that lasting peace can only be achieved through dialogue and diplomacy. The summit concluded on Sunday. Its main objective was to inspire the future peace process. Russia was not invited to the summit, while China decided not to attend it. The Indian delegation participated in the opening and closing plenary sessions of the summit. Let us tell you that 83 countries and organizations in Switzerland approved the joint statement at the end of the high-level conference on peace in Ukraine.

What argument did India give?
The Indian Foreign Ministry said that India has not associated itself with any communiqué or document issued from this summit. India’s participation in the conference, as well as participation in previous NSA or political director level meetings based on the Ukraine peace formula, is in line with our consistent approach to facilitate a lasting and peaceful solution to the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy. The Ministry of External Affairs said that India believes that such a solution requires sincere and practical participation between the two parties involved in the conflict. In this regard, India will continue to interact with all stakeholders as well as both sides, to contribute to all serious efforts to bring about an early and lasting peace.

Tags: India russia, Russia, Russia News, Russia ukraine war, Ukraine News

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