These 8 dangerous chemicals are present in Holi colours and gulal, they will tear the skin and injure the eyes! Read the names on the packet while buying - 8 chemicals in holi colours gulal are harmful for skin eyes stomach chemical holi colours side effects on body tips to buy safe colours

Chemical holi colours side effects: Hundreds of brands of colours and gulaal are available in the market for Holi. If you are going to buy them then keep your eyes open because the festival and fun of Holi is one thing but your health is the most important. It may happen that in the chaos of Holi you end up playing with yourself. Therefore, if you are going to buy colours then also know the names of those 8 dangerous chemicals which are being added to make the colours more bright, deep, shiny and cheap. Therefore, do not consider the brightness of the colour as its quality, it may have a high amount of harmful chemicals. Let us know about this from the experts.

Dr. Rupali Bhardwaj, Medical Cosmetologist at Bindumatr Noida, says that nowadays chemicals are used a lot in making colours and gulal so that colours can be made cheaply, the colour becomes darker and the shine of the colour increases. However, after mixing chemicals, these colours become poisonous and when applied on our body, they cause a lot of harm to us.

Also read- Holi: Make yourself bullet proof with these 4 things, people will get tired of throwing colors, and no one will get hurt.

These are 8 dangerous chemicals

. Lead Oxide – (in black colour)
. Copper sulphate – (in green colour)
. Mercury sulphate – (makes red colour)
. Malachite Green – (in green colour)
. Russian Blue – (in blue colour)
. Junction Violet – (Purple in color)
. Aluminum Bromide – (silver in colour)
. Glass particles (for shine)

What harm do these chemicals do?

– Lead oxide, copper sulfate, mercury sulfate, etc. are such chemicals that can also cross the placenta. These cause harm to pregnant women and their newborn babies.
– There may be red spots or burn marks on the skin i.e. dermatitis.
– Burns in the eyes, causes wounds. Eyes become red.
– These chemicals are carcinogenic and very harmful for the skin.
– You may have an allergy. If you already have an allergy, it may increase.
– Skin may become extra dry.
– If you already have eye, lung or skin problems then this problem may increase.
– Whereas glass particles tear the skin.

Whenever you buy a color, read its name.
Dr. Rupali says that apart from these 8 commonly found chemicals, there are many other chemicals that are being used to make colours these days. These are also found in scented gulaal. Therefore, it is difficult to know the names of all of them, but whenever you go to buy colours or gulaal for Holi, read the ingredients of the colour on its packet. If these names are mentioned in the packet, then do not buy those colours. Try to buy herbal gulaal of good quality or brand. However, read their packets as well.

Tags: Chemical Factory, Holi celebration, Holi festival

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