This organization was formed to destroy the 'biggest power', it has sacrificed millions of people, yet the heart is not at peace!

It has been more than two years since the Russia-Ukraine war. Thousands of people have died in it so far. Despite this, both sides are not ready to calm down. If you analyze the reasons for this war, you will find that there is an organization behind it that came into existence to destroy the world’s biggest power. That organization was formed 75 years ago. As soon as it came into existence, it created havoc in the whole world in the name of stopping a power. It has sacrificed millions of people so far in the name of destroying a big power. Despite this, the heart of this organization has not been satisfied.

Actually, we are talking about the North Atlantic Cooperation Organization (NATO). The purpose of this US-led organization was to destroy the then Soviet Union. To stop the influence of the Soviet Union in the world and promote its own influence. The 75th foundation day of this organization was celebrated just a day ago.

32 member countries
Now you must be thinking what do we Indians have to do with this. Actually, this is probably the only organization in the current global system that has directly or indirectly affected almost every country in the world. Currently, 32 countries are a part of this organization. This is probably the only organization in the world that considers any attack on member countries as an attack on itself. They fight unitedly against the attacking country. Apart from America, it includes superpowers like Britain, France and Germany. It was established in 1949 by 12 countries including America, Britain, Canada and France.

Its initial purpose was to stop the expansion of communism led by the Soviet Union. NATO does not have its own army but it can take collective military action in case of attack.

collapse of the Soviet Union
Diplomacy experts say that this organization should have been disbanded after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The primary purpose of this organization was to stop the spread of communism during the Cold War. It was part of the US-led block in the bipolar world order during the Cold War. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, it spread to the countries of Eastern Europe – Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

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A summit of NATO member countries is going on in Washington.

Russia and NATO
After the disintegration of Soviet Russia, its formal successor emerged as Russia. Russia was also considered a permanent member of the United Nations. Communism ended in Russia and it started walking on the path of democracy. However, questions have been raised in the world about Russia’s democracy. But NATO sees Russia as a shadow of the Soviet Union and treats it accordingly.

In today’s situation, NATO has reached almost all the neighboring countries of Russia. In such a situation, Russia’s biggest complaint is that what is the use of NATO at its doorstep. Ukraine, which separated from Russia and came into existence as an independent country, has also applied for NATO membership. NATO is also ready to make it its member. This is the main reason due to which Russia took military action in Ukraine.

NATO and Ukraine
One of the biggest hurdles behind Ukraine joining NATO is its war with Russia. It is mentioned in NATO’s constitution that only that country can become its member which does not have any military dispute with any other country. In such a situation, Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO until the Russia-Ukraine war ends and this dispute is resolved. However, NATO member countries are giving heavy military assistance to Ukraine even without membership. America, France and Britain are directly with it.

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At present there are 32 member countries of NATO. All of them are gathered in Washington.

NATO and India
India has also not remained untouched by the influence of NATO. During the Cold War, India adopted the policy of non-alignment instead of joining any group. But our neighbor Pakistan did not do so. It openly became a part of the US-led group. Although it could not become a member country of NATO due to its geographical position, it is a part of NATO’s Global Partners. Apart from Pakistan, it includes countries like Afghanistan, Austria, Colombia, Iraq, Republic of Korea, Mongolia and New Zealand. Due to this closeness of Pakistan to NATO and America, India also got closer to Soviet Russia first and then to Russia.

NATO-US military operations
Hundreds of military operations have been carried out in the last 75 years under the leadership of NATO and America. Lakhs of people have died in these. In the era before the Cold War, there were dozens of wars like the war between North and South Korea, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War, Middle East War in which indirectly the Soviet Army was on one side and the US and NATO forces were on the other side. After the Cold War, NATO and America have been behind all the military operations in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Libya, Turkey.

Tags: Russia ukraine war, United States of America

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