Trump was not the only target of the shooter and...had Crooks succeeded in his plan, the rally venue would have become a graveyard!

Did the person who attacked former US President Donald Trump come with the intention of causing destruction? From the clues that the Secret Service and intelligence agencies have found so far, it seems that if 20-year-old shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had succeeded in his plan, the rally venue would have become a graveyard. After knowing this, the agencies are worried. That is why many agencies including the FBI have been put to investigate and probe this matter.

According to a CNN report, the agencies investigating the attack on Trump want to know the shooter’s motive. They want to know what shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks did 48 hours before firing the shot. Where did he go? Whom did he meet? This will reveal whether he was a part of any criminal gang or not. But the clues that the officials have found in the investigation are frightening. It has been revealed that the attack on Trump did not happen suddenly. 20-year-old shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had planned it long ago.

What did the shooter do 48 hours ago
48 hours before the attack, he went to a shooting range. He practiced firing there. The next morning, he went to a Home Depot and bought a 5-foot ladder from there, so that he could escape with the help of it. He also went to a gun shop and bought 50 rounds of bullets from there. Before us, he also went to his hometown Pittsburgh. He stopped at many places nearby. Met people. On the day of the attack, Crooks reached Trump’s rally venue in Pennsylvania in his Hyundai Sonata car. He parked the car outside the rally. An IED device was kept in this car, which was connected to a transmitter. He used the ladder to climb a nearby building, and opened fire on the former President.

The attack could have been more horrific
But the matter does not end here. When the agencies searched the shooter’s phone, searched his internet search history, searched every corner of his bedroom, questioned his family and friends, many horrifying things came to light. It was revealed that he was interested in computer coding and gaming. Officials said, this attack could have been even more terrifying. Because Crooks had a remote control detonator on his body. A box full of explosives was found in the trunk of his car. It was connected to a receiver through wires. This clearly shows that the shooter probably came with a plan to detonate from a distance. Perhaps he wanted to divert attention by firing. It is not clear yet where he collected so many explosives. But there are indications that he was researching on how to prepare explosives at home.

Tags: Donald Trump, US Election

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