What is Parineeti Chopra worried about? She shared a cryptic post and said- Living for others...

New Delhi. Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is very active on social media. Parineeti, who often touches people’s hearts with her posts, has recently shared a cryptic post. After seeing this post, fans are constantly speculating whether there is some problem in their marriage after 10 months of marriage. On 24 September last year, Parineeti Chopra tied the knot with AAP MP Raghav Chadha.

Parineeti Chopra has shared a video in which she is sitting in a boat with a sad mind. It is clearly visible from her face that she is upset about something. The actress has also written a long post along with this video of her no makeup, in which she is talking about living for her own happiness.

Parineeti shared a cryptic post
Parineeti captioned the video, ‘This month, I took some time to reflect on life and it has reiterated my belief. Mindset is everything… Don’t give importance to unimportant things (or people). Don’t waste a single second. Life is a ticking clock. Every moment should be your choice… Please stop living for others!’

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