What Kate Winslet did in Avatar 2 will make even the biggest warriors fail, underwater stunt is connected to yoga - Kate Winslet under water stunt in Avatar 2 breaks record of Tom Cruise, yoga is helpful to shoot these scenes

New Delhi. James Cameron’s latest film release Avatar 2: The Way Of Water It is making a splash all over the world. People are not tired of praising the scenes, photography, cinematography, acting of this film. Especially the underwater stunts of the film are spine-chilling, in which Hollywood actress Kate Winslet is standing with her hands spread out inside the water. This scene was shot by holding her breath for a full 7 minutes and 14 seconds. Kate Winslet The acting of fills you with excitement. Many of us will sweat just thinking about how the shooting would have been done by holding breath for so long. But if you do yoga, then you would know that this is possible.

It is difficult for us to hold our breath for a few seconds even while being on land. Under water? Doing this? Boss, not everyone can do this! But what kind of an actor is he who does not stop the heartbeat of the audience on screen. Especially in Avatar-2, watching 41-year-old Kate Winslet holding her breath underwater is a fun scene in itself. But it is all a game of science. Yes, with the help of science and yoga, whether it is under water or above the ground or in the air, breath can be held for several minutes. After all, India has not given the gift of yoga to the whole world just like that. Think about it, you will find many such examples in Ramayana-Mahabharata or Puranas. Some sage got up in the air, some saint took his seat to the sky. Well, forget it, let’s not talk about myths. Actually, with the help of yoga, breath-holding asanas can be done.

Kate Winslet is not alone, a record has been made
These days, Kate Winslet’s seven minute underwater stunt scene in Avatar 2 is being talked about. This is not the first time this has happened in films. Before Kate, Tom Cruise has done this feat in Hollywood films. Yes, ‘Mission Impossible’ star Tom Cruise has previously done the feat of holding his breath underwater for 6 minutes. Cruise did such a scene in the film ‘Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation’. But in Avatar 2, Kate Winslet has broken this film record by holding her breath for 74 seconds longer than him.

There is an even bigger record in yogasana
Be it Kate Winslet or Tom Cruise, the amazing feats of film stars always become a topic of discussion. But the yoga gurus or experts are the best in breath-holding asanas. Yes, if we look at the records of yoga warriors, Kate Winslet and Tom Cruise will be seen filling water. People have made world records by staying underwater for a longer time than these two actors. Budimir Buda Obot of Croatia had made this world record earlier. Budimir stayed underwater by holding his breath for 24 minutes and 37 seconds. He has made the world record of staying underwater for the longest time without external oxygen. This record was made in the city of Sisak in Croatia.

How to do this yoga asana
It is not easy to stay without oxygen or hold your breath for some time. But if you do yoga, you can do this. Because in yogasana, the first thing taught is to control your breath. According to yoga experts, it is very important for your mind to be calm to hold your breath under water. Before going into the water, the oxygen level in the body is increased by hyperventilating on fresh oxygen for a few minutes. After this, you can spend some time comfortably inside the water. However, many people who show such feats say that before such performances, they have to master their ‘metabolism’ i.e. the process of metabolism of the body. That is, this should be done only after full practice. According to yoga experts, Purna Shashan Yoga Kriya is actually a technique that gives mental peace to the yogi. In this kriya, the yogi is taught to remove his attention from the unrest and turmoil going on in his mind and focus on the rhythm of breathing.

Tags: Hollywood stars, James cameron

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