Why are the bed sheets in hotels white and not red, yellow or blue? You will be surprised to know the reason

White Bed Sheets Benefits: Often, whenever we go out for a long time, we stay in a hotel. If you have ever stayed in a hotel, you must have noticed that only white sheets are laid on the beds there. Apart from this, if you have ever traveled by train, you must have noticed there too that only white sheets are laid on the beds in the train. Apart from this, white sheets are also given to the passengers to cover themselves. But have you ever paid attention to why only white sheets? Why are there no other colored sheets in hotels instead of white?

Today we will answer this question that why only white sheets are laid in hotels and trains. Apart from this, we will also tell you whether this culture started in India or is it a western culture.

Why are white sheets used in hotels?
Let us tell you that stress goes away just by seeing the white colour. After seeing this colour, the mind becomes calm and the heart feels relaxed. Whenever we go to the hotel room, seeing the white colour there brings positive vibes. That is why seeing the white colour in the hotel and train makes a person feel relaxed and get good sleep.

Apart from this, every stain is clearly visible on a white sheet. Whenever we go to a hotel, the first thing we see is whether it is clean or not. If there is even a little dirt there, then we do not go there again and by looking at the white sheet, it becomes clear whether the place is clean or not. This keeps the reputation of the hotel owners intact and also increases their income.

Is the white bedsheet a gift of Western culture?
Let us tell you, the use of white sheets in hotels was first done in Western countries. This means that this is a gift of Western culture, which is now gradually being followed in most countries.

Tags: Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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