Why is Putin increasing his friendship with America's enemies like China, North Korea and... is it necessary, compulsion or a bigger motive?

New Delhi: In the Ukraine war, America and NATO countries are trying to surround Russia from all sides. Everyone wants to isolate Russia. But Russia is also stubborn. Putin is not ready to accept defeat. Russia has now made a plan to give a befitting reply to America. Putin is now making the enemy’s enemy his friend. Yes, Putin is finding and increasing his friendship with America’s enemies. From China to Iran and from North Korea to Vietnam, these are some countries that have a bad relationship with America. Putin is now increasing his friendship with these countries. First the visit to China, then the visit to North Korea after 24 years and going to Vietnam… Putin wants to show the western powers including America that Russia is not alone in the hour of war. Many countries of the world are also with Russia. Now the question arises that is Putin’s friendship with America’s enemies a compulsion or a big motive?

The whole world knows that North Korea, China, Iran and Vietnam are sworn enemies of America. These are four countries which do not care at all about American or Western sanctions. If a war with America comes, these countries will not back down. This is the reason why Putin, who is getting isolated in the Ukraine war, is trying to make America’s enemies his own. The world is aware of the tension between China and America. Putin also wants to take advantage of the opportunity in his need. That is why after becoming President for the fifth time, Putin went directly to China. Even though China does not openly support Russia in the Ukraine war, it is standing with Putin from behind the scenes. China may not openly give weapons to Russia, but it is providing some dangerous tools, machinery and equipment. Russia is using these for the Ukraine war. China has also been under a lot of pressure from the West for not supporting Russia. This is the reason why Putin himself went to Beijing so that China does not come under the pressure of Western countries in any way. China’s support to Russia continues as before. Putin seems to be dependent on China to compensate for the losses Russia has suffered due to the Ukraine war.

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Russia needs
Just like Xi Jinping, the North Korean dictator is also not afraid of America at all. North Korea tests missiles without worrying about sanctions. Russia is currently at a very delicate juncture in the Ukraine war. In such a situation, where would Putin have found a better partner than Kim Jong Un. This is the reason why Putin visited North Korea after 24 years. He also took a luxury car to woo Kim Jong Un. The biggest reason for Russia to develop friendship with North Korea is the supply of weapons. Putin wants weapons and ammunition from North Korea. If reports are to be believed, dictator Kim has sent a large number of cannons and ammunition in the Ukraine war, maintaining friendship with Putin. After this, Kim Jong needs Russian technology and missiles.

Compulsion or purpose?
This friendship between Russia and North Korea is both a compulsion and a necessity for Putin. Both Russia and North Korea are facing the brunt of sanctions. Both of them have similar relations with the western countries. The western countries have used similar whips on both the countries. In such a situation, the friendship between Putin and Kim Jong is both a compulsion and a need of the hour. The Ukraine war is at a juncture, so Russia will not be able to drag it on for too long on its own. To prolong the Ukraine war, it needs its allies and their support too. This is the reason why Putin is selectively hugging the enemies of America. Putin went straight to Vietnam after North Korea to reduce the pressure of NATO countries including America. Vietnam is also considered a staunch enemy of America. For many decades, America’s soldiers were based in Vietnam. However, for some time now, America has been moving towards improving its relations with Vietnam.

The enemy’s enemy is our friend
This is the reason why Russia is trying to woo Vietnam. Putin has visited Vietnam at a time when Vietnam was away from the Ukraine Peace Summit. Vietnam had supported Russia in a way by staying away from the Ukraine Peace Summit. Whereas Vietnam went to the BRICS Summit held in Russia. Just like China and Pakistan also stayed away from this summit. India went to the summit, but supported Russia by not signing the peace document. Russia wants to appease another enemy of America. Its name is Iran. The enmity between Iran and America is also well known. Putin had defended Iran even during the Iranian attack against Israel. Putin had even said that if there is a war between Iran and Israel, he will support Iran. At the same time, when the Iranian President died, Russia paid tribute by calling him a true friend. There are many sanctions of European countries on Iran too. This is the reason why Iran has been giving military support to Russia since the Ukraine war. It is claimed in the media report that Iran has given drones to Russia along with modern weapons.

Tags: Russia, Russia News, Vladimir Putin

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