A woman was admitted to the hospital 3 times, doctors kept treating her but could not save her life, the reason surprised everyone!

It is understandable if starvation happens in a remote village where there is lack of modern facilities, but can this happen in a city or metropolis? A mother has made a claim of starvation, she says that her daughter died of starvation. Not only this, she also alleges that this happened due to the negligence of the doctors because her daughter went to the hospital three times. This strange case is from London.

A mother claimed her daughter went to hospital three times but doctors refused to give her a feeding tube. After this she died of “starvation”. In fact, Sarah Boothby-O’Neill’s daughter Maeve suffered from myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) since the age of 13.

She was treated at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital before dying at home in Exeter, Devon. Sarah told the inquest: “I believe the evidence suggests Maeve may have died from malnutrition and dehydration because she had severe ME.

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The woman had a disorder due to which she was not able to eat food. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

The mother described how by March 2021, her only daughter Maeve was “unable to sit up, hold a teacup to her lips or chew”. “At home it was impossible for me to provide Maeve with sufficient calories from a liquid diet,” she added. “Without the intervention of special supplements, Maeve’s decline would have continued. “Yet, her continued deterioration was ignored by the hospital during and after three admissions.”

“I hope the inquest into her death will find out how she died. She did not want to die. “Death from ME is extremely rare. Malnutrition is common in severe ME.” Maeve was admitted to hospital three times for treatment of malnutrition three years ago.

Maeve’s father, Sean O’Neill, does not want to blame the doctors for Maeve’s death. Hospital lawyer Rhys Hadden said the trust did not accept that Maeve’s death could have been prevented. Three years after her death, the investigation is still ongoing.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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