Apples intrude in Shahi Litchi area, Hariman-99-Anna-Dorset Golden created a sensation, farmer became Apple Man

Muzaffarpur. Muzaffarpur means the city of litchi. The royal litchi from here is sent as a gift to the dignitaries every year. On hearing the name of Muzaffarpur, the name of litchi comes first in people’s mind. The royal litchi here is famous. But, a farmer from Muzaffarpur made the impossible possible by cultivating apples on the land of royal litchi. That is why this farmer has become famous in the district as Apple Man. His name is Raj Kishore Singh Kushwaha. He started this in the year 2020.

In the year 2018, Raj Kishore went to Rajasthan. There he saw apple farming. He got inspiration from there. He thought that if apple farming can be done in a climate like desert, then why not in Bihar. After this, he gathered information about apple farming there. He went to Bangalore to learn apple farming. There he took training in farming. Gathered information about it. Then, he returned to Muzaffarpur after buying fifty saplings. After coming home, Raj Kishore started apple farming.

1 thousand trees in one acre
This new experiment in farming, i.e. apple farming in litchi area, did not start well. All the plants dried up. Then when he gathered information, he came to know that plants should not be planted in low land. He did not lose courage. Two years later, i.e. in 2020, he started apple farming again. This time he ordered about 250 plants and started apple farming. Now there are more than 1 thousand plants in one acre. The cost of one plant was about five hundred rupees.

Earning 7 lakhs in one season
Farmer Rajkishore Singh told Local 18 that Hariman-99, Anna, Dorset Golden apple trees are planted in about 1 acre of his land. He started with 250 plants. Now there are more than a thousand trees and all have started bearing fruits. He earns 6 to 7 lakhs in a season from this apple orchard. According to Raj Kishore Singh, his orchard also has HRMN 99, Dorset Golden and Anna varieties of Garma apples. All these three varieties are suitable for the weather of Muzaffarpur. If farmers start cultivating them, they can earn a good income from it. Raj Kishore said that he prepares other apple plants from his own mother plant. Also, if anyone wants to learn apple cultivation, Raj Kishore Singh will train them for free.

Tags: Health benefit, Muzaffarpur latest news, Success Story, Local18

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