The name is Bagh but its work is much better, this food is miraculous in cleaning the stomach and making the heart of steel

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts: Its name is Tiger Nuts and just like its name, its work is also tiger. It is very powerful. Flour and milk are made from tiger nuts. Tiger nuts are used a lot in western countries but it is used less in our country. Tiger nuts are also called earth almonds because it is grown on the ground. It is prepared in small grains prepared from bulbs. According to Cleveland Clinic, a quarter cup of tiger nuts contains 120 calories of energy. Apart from this, it contains 19 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of fat, 10 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein as well as many types of antioxidants including zinc, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium. Due to this, it protects the body from the risk of many diseases.

Benefits of Tiger Nuts

1. Anti-aging-Cleveland Clinic According to him, tiger nuts are full of antioxidants. Apart from this, it also contains vitamin C and vitamin E. These elements do not allow the cells in the body to get damaged. If the cell is not damaged, it will always look young. This will reduce the effect of ageing. Not only this, if the cell is not damaged, the risk of cancer and heart disease will also be reduced.

2. Strengthens the Heart-Tiger nuts contain heart healthy fat i.e. monounsaturated fat which does not allow cholesterol to increase and smoothens the heart muscles. Due to this, the risk of stroke and heart disease is greatly reduced. Tiger nuts contain alkaloids, saponins and tannins compounds which are anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory due to which there is no inflammation in the heart.

3. Better digestion-Tiger nuts are very high in insoluble fiber. This is dietary fiber. This fiber increases the content of stool due to which more stool is passed. This means that constipation does not occur due to dietary fiber. Along with this, there is no dirt in the stomach and the stomach remains clean every day. Not only this, obesity also decreases due to high fiber diet and the risk of colorectal cancer is reduced.

4. Lowers blood sugar-Tiger nuts are very beneficial for people who have diabetes. Due to high fiber content, it does not allow blood sugar to rise rapidly. Tiger nuts contain arginine amino acid which maintains blood sugar level.

5. Erectile dysfunction– Healthline report says that tiger nuts have Aphrodite properties, that is, it is an aphrodisiac. According to the report, Nigerian men have been using tiger nuts for a long time to treat erectile dysfunction. Tiger nuts can also increase sperm count.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle, Trending news

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