Radical like Raisi or liberal like Rouhani...what kind of President will Iran be now? It depends on the mood of the Supreme Leader, know the role

Tehran: Iran’s President Ibrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash. Now Iran will have to look for a new president. Whether Iran will get a hardliner like Raisi as its next president or a liberal like Hassan Rouhani, it now depends on the mood of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The Supreme Leader plays a big role in choosing the President in Iran and now everything depends on him. Currently, according to the Iranian Constitution, the Vice President will be made the acting President and a new President will have to be elected by conducting a presidential election within 50 days. However, this also depends on the mood of Supreme Leader Khamenei.

In fact, according to the Iranian constitution, if a current president dies, then under Article 131, the first vice president can be given the responsibility of the presidency for a maximum of 50 days. However, for this, the approval of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei will be necessary. According to this, Iran’s first vice president Mohammad Mokhbar can now be made the president. But for the permanent president, Iran will have to depend on the decision of the Supreme Leader. Let us tell you that along with Raisi, Iran’s foreign minister also died in a helicopter crash.

Presidential elections will be held in 2025
Ibrahim Raisi won the presidential election of Iran in 2021. His term was going to end in the year 2025. Because he died before the completion of his term, now Iran’s first vice president Mohammad Mokhbar can be given the command of Iran in his place. But when the presidential election will be held in Iran in 2025, the Supreme Leader will also play an important role in choosing the candidate. Now in such a situation, the question is whether Iran will get a president with a radical image like Ibrahim Raisi or one like Hassan Rouhani, who was considered quite liberal. Before Ibrahim Raisi, Hassan Rouhani was the President of Iran and he was considered pro-India. Whereas Raisi has been close to China.

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The wish of the supreme leader is everything
If we look at the powers of the Supreme Leader, we will find that whatever happens in Iran does not happen without his consent. Although there is a President and Vice President in Iran, the power control of all is with the Supreme Leader. In other words, the remote control of power is in the hands of the Supreme Leader. The names of the candidates in the presidential election are also approved by the Supreme Leader. In Iran, only the person becomes a candidate for the post of President who is approved by the Council of Guardians. This is a body of twelve members, which includes six clerics and six lawyers selected by the Supreme Leader of Iran, whom the Supreme Leader proposes and appoints as the head of the judicial system of Iran.

What are the powers of the Supreme Leader in Iran?
In Iran, the Supreme Leader is everything. Whether it is Iran’s domestic policy or foreign policy or general policy, the Supreme Leader is responsible for everything. The Supreme Leader is the one who commands all the armies of Iran. The Supreme Leader is the one who can declare a war or peace. He also keeps an eye on Iran’s security operations. The Supreme Leader has the power to dismiss and appoint the leader of the judiciary. Also, the Supreme Leader can remove and appoint the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. In a way, the Supreme Leader is the powerful political authority of Iran.

The rich were fundamentalists while the spiritual ones were liberal
Ibrahim Raisi was considered close and loyal to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. How radical he was can be gauged from the fact that as soon as he came to power, he showed strictness on hijab. This is the reason why there were many demonstrations regarding hijab during his tenure. There was a lot of uproar in Iran after the death of Iranian woman Mahsa Amini in custody. It was said that Amini was not wearing a hijab, due to which the Iranian police brutally beat her. On the other hand, unlike Raisi, former Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is considered quite liberal. Rouhani is often known as a centrist and reformist leader. During his tenure, he encouraged personal freedom, free access to information and by appointing female foreign ministry spokespersons, he took steps towards improving women’s rights.

Tags: Ibrahim Raisi, Iran news

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