The country’s leading private sector bank ICICI Bank said on Friday that it has raised Rs 8,000 crore by issuing debt securities on the basis of private placement. On April 24, 2021, the board of directors of the bank had approved raising funds by issuing debt securities.
For this, the bank has allotted 80,000 senior unsecured redeemable long-term bonds in debenture format worth Rs 8,000 crore on private placement basis, ICICI Bank said in a regulatory filing. Its allotment date is 11 March 2022.
The bonds are redeemable at the end of 10 years (redemption date will be March 11, 2032). It states that there are no special rights/privileges attached to the bonds. These bear a coupon of 7.12 per cent payable annually and are issued at par.
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The bonds are listed in the respective segments of NSE. ICICI Bank said the bonds have been rated ‘Care AAA;’ by Credit Analysis & Research Limited. Stable’ (‘CARE AAA; Stable’), ‘CRISIL AAA/Stable’ by CRISIL Ratings Limited and ‘ICRA AAA; Stable’ (‘ICRA AAA; Stable’) rating has been given.
At market close on Friday, March 11, 2022, ICICI Bank shares were trading at 677.90, up 0.19 percent or 1.30 points on NSE at 3.59 pm. Its 52 week high level has been Rs 867 and 52 week low level has been Rs 531.15. On Friday, ICICI Bank shares touched an intraday low of 670.60 and an intraday high of 684.70.