20 thousand cases of Corona, 56 more deaths in the country for the third consecutive day

for the third consecutive day in the country of Corona case had increased. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, 2044 new cases of corona were reported in the last 24 hours. Another 56 died. Along with this, the total death toll was 5,25,660. The number of corona vaccine doses has also reached close to 200 crores.

According to the report of the Union Health Ministry, 20,044 new cases of Corona were registered. 20 thousand cases of corona have been reported for the third consecutive day. More than 15 thousand cases are being registered every day in the last one week. A total of 4,37,30,071 cases have been registered. Active cases have increased to over 1.40 lakh.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health also announced the vaccination statistics. The number of corona vaccine doses in the country has reached close to 200 crores. 199.71 crore doses have been given. Of these, more than one crore in the age group of 18 to 59 years have also been given a precautionary dose. Apart from that, booster dose has been given to 2.81 people who are above 60 years of age. Children aged 12 to 14 have received 3.79 crore doses. 6.08 crore people in the age group of 15 to 18 years have been given the vaccine.

The East and South Asia Vaccination Mission was praised by the World Health Organization. WHO Regional Director Dr. Poonam Singh said that more than 300 crore people have been given the vaccine in the entire region. Out of this, 200 crores have been given in India alone. The World Health Organization called this vaccination mission a very important effort. The speed of India’s criticism was commendable by WHO.

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