Ahmedabad smart city or pit city? When it rains, the system starts working

Ahmedabad Gujarat

in Ahmedabad When the rains come, the pre-monsoon function of the system opens. Earthquakes have occurred at more than 20 places in Ahmedabad. Small and large on most roads pit Due to which the vehicle drivers are facing a lot of trouble.

After the heavy rains in Ahmedabad, the condition of the roads in the city has become deplorable. Motorists are affected. Large landslides have occurred at more than 20 places in the city. In which ISKCON Mall has fallen near Char Rasta and Gujarat College. Which has been cordoned off by AMC. Along with this, the condition of Nikol’s Sukan four-lane road has also become bad. There are big potholes on the road here. So it is the turn of motorists to suffer. Ahmedabad, on its way to a smart city, has become known as a pit city.

Even after spending crores of rupees in the name of pre-monsoon operations, the urbanites got only potholes and soil. The water does not drain for hours after the rain stops. Some road works are incomplete. There is still work to be done to fill the potholes. Due to which the locals are angry with the system including the corporators.

When will the rains in the city finally end? Importantly, the system has made a control room for the rainy situation in Ahmedabad. Helpline number 1077 has also been announced. In which more than 100 calls have been received so far. But the suffering of the people is increasing as the specific work is not done yet.

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