Campaign to stop electricity theft in Porbandar, electricity theft of 121.50 lakhs in rural areas accelerated | Campaign to stop electricity theft in Porbandar, electricity theft of 121.50 lakhs in rural areas accelerated

Porbandar4 hours ago

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Power checking was conducted by Porbandar PGVCL circle office. A campaign was conducted by Porbandar PGVCL office to stop power theft. As a part of this, electricity checking was conducted in Porbandar rural division area under the work area. In rural areas, power checking was done in Fidoros with high power loss.

121.50 lakh fine was imposed on the defaulter
In which a total of 44 checking squads were conducted from July 25 to 30. According to which checking was done in 6106 power connections for residential purpose, 458 power connections for commercial purpose and 33 power connections for industrial purpose and 402 power connections for agriculture. In the course of checking, 703 residential Ketu, 51 commercial and 50 agricultural electricity connections were found to have irregularities, and penalty supplementary bills of 121.50 lakhs are given to the wrongdoers through PGVCL.

Mega drive of power checking to reduce power loss
At present, the amount of power loss has increased under PGVCL Porbandar circle office. According to the press release of PGVCL circle office Porbandar, the campaign to prevent power theft will be continued by conducting a mega drive of continuous power checking to reduce the power loss suffered by the system due to power theft.

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