Candidates from Aravalli district applied for MPHW examination fearing injustice Candidates from Aravalli district applied for MPHW examination fearing injustice

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  • In the MPHW exam held a month ago, some candidates with political affiliations allegedly obtained dummy bogus certificates and appeared in the exam.

Aravalli candidates appeared for the MPHW exam a month earlier. Alleging that some candidates appeared in the examination by obtaining dummy bogus certificates in this examination, the candidates submitted a petition to the Collector’s office and demanded an impartial investigation of the certificates given by the candidates.

It is stated in the petition that the MPHW dt. The exam was held a month earlier on June 26 and it was alleged that the anti-social elements took the exam by obtaining dummy bogus certificates. As the bogus certificates submitted by the candidates are to be verified, the Collector’s office has submitted an application form so that it can be properly checked and no injustice is done to the eligible candidates.

Further alleging that the candidates have said that bogus certificates have been issued by some universities in the year 2020, 2021 and 2019, if a proper investigation is done, a big scam will be revealed. With the demand of investigation, it was submitted to prevent injustice to the eligible candidates.

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