Enraged headmasters gave mass resignation, said - Education Secretary has defamed the department. Enraged headmasters gave mass resignation, said - Education Secretary defamed the department

Bilaspur2 hours ago

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Anger flared up by calling the teachers of the Education Secretary useless.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Anger flared up by calling the teachers of the Education Secretary useless.

Angered by the misbehavior being done by the officials of the Education Department, the Principal readers have submitted their collective resignation. The teachers, who are playing the role of head reader as in-charge, are continuously doing their work with utmost sincerity. Despite this, instead of honoring them, they are constantly being humiliated, against which a campaign like this non-cooperation movement has been started. Teachers of Patharia block of Mungeli district have given mass resignation.

The head readers in-charge of Patharia block today submitted an application for mass resignation in the name of District Education Officer Mungeli. The teachers told that for the last fifteen years, work is being done by giving the charge of the school. But no promotion has been given by the government, due to which the need of regular head readers is felt. The Principal Education Secretary has defamed the entire department by calling the teachers useless. The situation in the school education department is that if the sanitation workers are on strike, then the responsibility of cleaning the entire school is also being given to the head readers and teachers.

Bad effect on the morale of teachers
In this episode, the head reader of the school was suspended for making the school cleanliness system during the strike period of the sanitation workers. Such cases are coming to the fore every day, which is having a bad effect on the morale of the teachers. The teachers alleged that many orders and programs are being organized on behalf of the Mungeli District Education Officer beyond the orders of the state government, due to which there is dissatisfaction among the teachers, they are feeling harassed. An order is issued by the Patharia Development Block Education Officer, in which it is written that the entire responsibility will be yours and disciplinary action will be taken if you do not act immediately. An atmosphere of fear is being created by such orders, due to which teachers are not able to work with their full dedication. State President of Sarva Teachers Association Vivek Dubey said that Pardeshi Ram Yadav, Ramprakash Rajput, Vishwanath Rajput, Rajendra Prasad Suryavanshi, Shailendra Dhruv, Komal Prasad Rajput, Sohan Lal Kaushik, Neelam Yadav, Dikeshwar Sharma, Dharmendra were among those who submitted their resignations and demonstrated. Mandalay, Indraj Singh Patle, Janki Prasad Kaushik, Laxmikant Jadeja, Suresh Kumar Kurre, Mohinder Singh Rajput, Rajendra Nirmalkar, Leela Ram Dhruv, Chandra Bhushan Kshatriya, Shivkumar Kureta, Prakashchandra Pandey, Shatrughan Lal Sahu, Anil Jangde, Vijay Kumar Sahu, Rudra Kumar , Sukritdas Bairagi, Kanshi Ram Rajput, Mahesh Kashyap, Manoj Kumar Manhar, Ramesh Kumar Rajput along with a large number of in-charge head readers were present.

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