Inspired to make teaching effective by telling 24 modules in training and using them in schools. Inspired to make teaching effective by telling 24 modules in training and using them in schools

Sirohi33 minutes ago

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These days training camps of teachers are being organized at five block headquarters including district headquarters. In this, on the instructions of the State Project Director, School Education Council, Jaipur, District Project Coordinator, Sirohi, the first phase of non-residential teacher training to achieve the objectives of basic literacy and numeracy based and skillful India for teachers teaching in classes 1 to 5. The event started at Eklavya Residential School (Model School) in Aburoad block in the hospitality of Block Education Officer Bhopal Ram Purohit, Principal Ramesh Lal Meghwal, camp in-charge Kranti Rathod.

Camp in-charge Kranti Rathod informed that the above training will be organized in Aburoad block in three phases from June 27 to July 16, in which training of teachers is to be conducted as per the target allotted by the district.

The first day of training includes National Education Policy Activity based Basic Literacy and Numeracy Goals, Learning Recovery, Day II Documentation and maintenance of CCE in learning process, Basic Literacy and its components, Third Day Vocabulary and ex-officio fluency in teaching Use and importance of mother tongue, role of library and print rich environment in learning, key components of basic literacy number knowledge on the fourth day, integrated environment in the fifth day initial classes, on the last day teaching planning, assessment, post feedback test was conducted. On the last day of the first phase, Kranti Rathod has told all the teachers 24 modules in this training at the conclusion, they were motivated to make teaching effective in their schools by using them.

Asked to make teaching effective and ensure 100% enrollment and attendance
At the end of the training, Block Education Officer Bhopal Ram Purohit asked the teachers to reach the school on time, make their teaching effective, ensure 100% enrollment and attendance of the children. The training was conducted with the help of skilled trainers and APF. CDEO Bhanwar Singh, APC, Diet Principal Meena Lasaria, District Project Officer Ratiram Prajapat, Mahendra Singh, Parvat Singh gave support from time to time for providing support in training.

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