Man mad after wealth, power and love – Bombay News

Everyone has some obsession riding on their head

Jindarshan – Mahendra Punatar

In this world of wise maniacs the line between madness and wisdom is very delicate and thin. Hence it is difficult to understand who is wise and who is mad. Every man is mad about something. Someone is after money, someone is behind power, someone is behind love. A man’s head is obsessed with something. Madmen are not born, circumstances make men mad. There are many reasons for insanity. These include love, appearance, lust for money, lust for power, lust for youth and arrogance of success. In fact, a person does not need any special reason to become crazy. Both success and failure make people crazy. Honestly, life seems like living because there are many possibilities of going crazy. When a man has a strong desire to get anything, his condition becomes like that of a madman. He has no attachment at all until that object is attained. When a man suddenly gets more than he needs without hard work and gets nothing despite hard work, in both these situations man loses his balance. Such is also the case with happiness that cannot remain stable in sorrow. After achieving success, the mercury of ego rises high and when a person starts to think himself superior to others, there is no real diamond. Pride is a form of madness. When anything goes too far, madness begins. When something in excess happens in life, it creates trouble. Too much wealth, too much anger, too much love, too much wisdom are not good. Everything feels good when it is within limits. Once the limit is exceeded it becomes a nuisance. Some people fall into the conversation and burn out into the conversation. One who loves too much has anger.
Ego, envy and ignorance also make a man mad. He can’t see the good in anyone, turns criticism of others into slander and gets angry if someone else gets ahead of him or gets something more. This leads to broken relationships and deepening prejudice. Stubbornness with ego and a self-righteous vanity creates samarangan. If Draupadi’s harsh words, Duryodhana’s arrogance and misrule had not created madness, the Mahabharata would not have been created. Sikandar had the ghost of conquering the whole world. But finally nothing came in hand and had to leave this world empty handed.
We let painful misunderstandings go on for years and years. Keeping useless fights burning. Even if an opportunity arises to reconcile and harmonize with someone, we wait and think that we don’t have to go ahead and let it fall a little further. It will come if needed. We hold grudges for reasons and vain things. If this is not madness, what else is?
We don’t do what we should be dying for and worry about frivolous things. There are many types of lamps. Ramakrishna Paramahansa was such a madman that he used to do penance with Ganga water in one hand and poison in the other. So that one can remain knowledgeable. Sarman was such a devotee that he used to walk around naked. Aurangzeb impaled him. The reason he goes naked is because clothes are worn to hide the ab. I have no abs so why do I need to wear clothes? Aurangzeb could not understand Sarman. Sarman had madness and Aurangzeb had madness. Narsingh Mehta and Meerabai were also crazy and got absorbed in devotion to God. He had to suffer a lot for this. Narsingh Mehta was ostracized by people and Mirabai had to drink a bowl of poison. But they did not deviate from their goal. It was a craze to get God. Gandhi left everything and sacrificed his life for the sake of the country. He renounced all attributes of luxury and wore very little clothing. In the luxurious life of today’s leaders and so-called public servants and the scams of millions of people in politics, if someone talks about truth, ethics and honesty and wears a loincloth, should we consider him a madman or what else? How can those who stick to their promises, strive for their goals and follow truth and honesty be called wise? Lal Bahadur Shastri held great positions, became the Prime Minister but had no house or wealth of his own. He dedicated his life to being a foundation stone like a fakir. If not this madness, what else?
Men who can change color according to place and time, who can speak and move instantly, who can put away shame, who can step in public and kick in private, grow up to be men. Society, life and politics are now shrouded in hypocrisy. There are no madmen in it but bandits. Now the dominance of money has increased. Man starts worshiping and asking for money. The glitter and jingle of money is unique. Money makes the wise mad and the mad wise. Such is the influence of money that wisdom is matched by it. Wealth and power create a unique self-confidence.
According to the German poet Goethe “The whole world is full of madmen. No need to find them in a madhouse.” Even wise and good men sometimes descend into madness. Power, position and wealth deceive a man. They don’t like to hear the truth. Just love compliments and compliments. People tolerate any utterances of such men. People’s eyes change against wealth and power. No one will tell him that sir don’t talk such nonsense. No one will tell them that what you say is not true. On the contrary, sir, you are hundred percent correct. This is the way of the world. Socrates, who did not understand such a simple matter, had to drink a cup of poison, Jesus had to be crucified, Lord Mahavir had nails pierced in his ears and Gandhiji was shot. The world has never tolerated men who follow the truth.
Youth, wealth, power, arrogance and ego combine to create chaos. All this is not forever. All these are elusive elements that are not always available to anyone. Despite understanding all this, the man is crazy about it. Even in religion and love madness is good but madness is not good. Madness and fanaticism have not allowed religion to be religion in the true sense. If the heart is colored with religion then no other color is needed. True religion makes man man.

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