People including 3 students, teachers, traders, doctors infected, active cases increased to 574 3 people including students, teachers, traders, doctors are infected, active cases have increased to 574

SuratAn hour ago

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  • So far 208820 people have been affected by corona virus

75 new cases were reported in Surat city-district yesterday. 46 in the city and 23 in the district, 69 patients have recovered and been discharged. The number of active cases in the city-district has increased to 574. 3 people including students, teachers, traders, doctors have been infected.

69 patients were discharged after recovery
With 48 cases in the city and 27 cases in the district, 75 more positive cases of corona have been reported in the city district on Saturday. With this, the total number of positive cases of Corona in the city-district has reached 208820 so far. On Saturday, 46 patients were found in the city and 23 in the district. 69 patients have recovered and been discharged. So far, a total of 206005 patients in the city and district have been cured after overcoming Corona.

The number of active cases increased to 574
Active cases are also increasing due to the increasing number of cases in the district. The number of active cases in the city-district has increased to 574 with 345 in the city and 229 in the district. Among the positive cases in the city, 3 students, teacher, businessman, farmer, doctor, jeweler, textile worker, advocate, beauty parlor manager, mobile shop owner, barber have been infected.

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