Referring to Deewar film, Kejriwal says BJP threatens that we have ED, IT

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today sought to encircle the BJP and the Center over the arrest of Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) and Minister Satyendra Jain. He said the BJP was avoiding the MCD elections in Delhi for fear of defeat. “I think it was a black day for the country when Satyendra Jain, who had given the impression of a mohalla clinic not only to the country but to the world, was arrested,” he added. He was imprisoned, but people still trust him. Kejriwal said that one of Amitabh Bachchan’s films was The Wall. In the film, Amitabh Bachchan says that Mere Paas Dhan Hai Daulat Hai Bangla Hai Gaadi Hai Tumhare Paas Kaya Hai. In response, Shashi Kapoor says that I have a mother. Today the BJP is threatening that we have ED, income tax, CBI. The people of Delhi say that Amaki has our son Kejriwal.

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