To control the disease in Jamnagar district, Zilla Panchayat purchased 50 thousand doses of vaccine from self-funding. To control the disease in Jamnagar district, Zilla Panchayat purchased 50 thousand doses of vaccine from self-funding.

JamnagarAn hour ago

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  • A team of officers attached under the supervision of the DDO will visit the rural areas in person in three days to treat the animals

An infectious disease called Lumpy Skin Disease has been observed in the cows of the cow category for the last 3 months in Jamnagar district. In order to provide immediate treatment of the disease to the diseased livestock of the district and to prevent the spread of the infectious disease, a vaccination campaign has been conducted by a team of district veterinarians and other allied officers under the supervision of the District Development Officer under the guidance of the Collector. Under which the estimated number of cattle in 417 villages of the district is 1,38,176, the number of cattle affected by this disease is 3315 out of which all the cattle have been given immediate treatment by the district level team. Also, 40 cattle have died due to lumpy virus in the rural areas of the district till date.

The central government sent a team of senior scientists
A team with senior scientists has been sent to Jamnagar by the central government to prevent the spread of the disease and provide immediate intensive treatment and guidance to the animal husbandry and local veterinarians. A team of these experts visited the affected rural areas of the district in person and conducted an in-depth investigation by taking samples including urine, blood, serum, skin scrapings from the animals. Also, regarding guidelines for treatment, vaccination, isolation and what kind of care to be taken in the rehabilitation ward, the owners of the affected animals and local doctors were discussed and provided necessary guidance.

A special vaccination campaign will be conducted for the next three days
A special vaccination campaign has been organized for the next 3 days in the entire district with an aim to complete 100% vaccination of cattle in the rural areas of the district. Under which 50 thousand new vaccine doses have been purchased from the own funds of Zilla Panchayat Jamnagar to accelerate the intensive vaccination process in addition to the quantity of vaccine provided by the state government. And the state government has also sent a team of 4 assistant professors, 5 post-graduate doctors and 32 graduate doctors from Kamdhenu University to Jamnagar district, giving priority to the special care and safety of animals. According to the micro planning prepared under the guidance of the district administration to free the livestock of the district from this disease at the earliest, this team has been dispatched to carry out operations in the entire district on war footing.

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