Women Health Tips With Age How Women Should Take Care Of Their Health Know From Experts

Women Health Tips: A person needs to take care of his health according to his age. Women in particular should not neglect health after the age of 30. Because after this age many changes take place in the body. You may not notice this change, but there are some things you need to be careful about to make your life healthier and happier.

Sometimes women are so busy with housework and office work that they skip breakfast for a meeting, sometimes skipping lunch or dinner to complete other household chores. Due to which they do not get the required nutrition and due to this the body becomes a victim of many diseases. So let’s find out from experts what things women should pay special attention to as they get older.

The ideal time for a female to conceive is between 25 and 35 years, and after this age, the number and quality of female eggs begin to decline. Women have many problems like hormonal changes, irregular periods, acne, need to be careful about maintaining hemoglobin level, eating foods rich in iron, calcium and protein.

Dr. Bagul said, the Indian diet is lacking in protein, keeping in mind that women need to eat foods rich in protein, iron, calcium, vitamins B and D, omega-3 fatty acids, sprouts, milk, cheese, eggs in their diet.

Excessive intake of fast food leads to many health problems like obesity and hypertension. There is a need to avoid eating such foods at an advanced age and to eat healthy foods.

Apart from this, vitamin and mineral deficiency is common in women, so women should avoid oily, fried, sodium and spicy foods. This type of diet can lead to weight gain and acidity.

When women reach the age of 20, they should check up regularly by visiting a doctor or gynecologist and adopt a healthy lifestyle accordingly.

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that abp asmita does not support any kind of belief, information. Consult a relevant expert before implementing any information or assumptions

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