Mix of online, offline learning needed to develop skilled workers: IMTS' Varun Gupta | Internet & Social Media News

A combination of online learning approaches with offline learning sessions through practical training for several courses, educationist Varun Gupta said on Monday. Gupta opines that specialized courses – that are market- and industry-relevant – are needed for creating job ready workforce. 

Gupta, who is the founder of IMTS, had recenty launched “online counselling” with 200+ career counsellors. Gupta assisted students in selecting the best course for them, IMTS Noida where students can pursue learning without even going to college. 

While celebrating its 17th year of inception, Gupta said that the Institute of Management and Technical Studies (IMTS) has served over 45,000 students and is currently in the middle of expanding its repertoire of functions. The institute was established with the goal of providing comprehensive and critical educational courses to willing students. 

Gupta’s IMTS is one of the few intitutions in the country that have been designed with online education as its primary focus.

“There is a huge difference between the IMTS Institute and the IMTS online. Both of them are operating on different tracks. There is only one motto of IMTS Online, and that is to provide all the information about online education and support government initiatives related to digital education,” says the founder Varun Gupta.

“Students from all backgrounds and academic levels should be able to benefit from online education and counseling. For a tailored and effective digital experience, we mix adaptive technology with the best instructor content. Our products are used to pioneer global educational modernization,” Gupta said at the event.

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