Second success in retrieval of small intestine organ donation to civil hospital doctors

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  • Incredible achievement of Ahmedabad Civil Hospital in the field of organ donation
  • Transplantation is the only option for short bowel syndrome
  • The patient has to be given total parenteral nutrition through a vein for life

Ahmedabad Civil Hospital organ donation service has gained momentum. Many people are being given a new life with the help of the organs received from the brain dead patients so that the living person does not have to donate organs and the patient suffering from organ malformation or problem can get a new life.

Another unimaginable achievement has been added to this service of the Civil Hospital. On the night of August 16, a 48-year-old brain-dead youth from Saurashtra (requested not to be named) received a small intestine donation at the Civil Hospital. This is another case for Ahmedabad Civil Hospital and Gujarat as a whole.

The youth was admitted to the Civil Hospital on August 14 after suffering serious head injuries in a road accident. Where he was declared brain dead by the doctors on the night of 16th August during the treatment.

When the family of the young man came to know that he was brain dead, they decided to donate the organ in the public interest. As a result, two kidneys, a liver and a small intestine have been successfully donated for the retrieval of the young man’s body parts.

The small intestine of a 48-year-old male organ donor from Saurashtra was successfully transplanted into a 40-year-old male patient by delivering it through the Green Corridor at Mumbai’s Global Hospital in a matter of minutes to give a long pain-free life. Ahmedabad Civil Hospital Superintendent Dr. Rakesh Joshi has detailed the importance of small intestine donation.

Let’s know why the small intestine is the most important of all the organs that can be donated.

The small intestine is a vital organ in the digestive process in the body. Although narrower than the large intestine, it is actually the longest section of the digestive tract, averaging 22 feet (or seven meters) in length, or three and a half times the length of our bodies.

The function of the small intestine is to help digest food from the stomach and absorb nutrients (vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from food so that the body can use them. The small intestine mixes food with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestines and pushes the mixture forward for further digestion. The walls of the small intestine absorb water and digested nutrients from the bloodstream.

Many patients develop short bowel syndrome after surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine due to infection, inflammation, trauma to the small intestine, gangrene due to obstruction of the artery supplying blood to the intestine, mesenteric fat, cancer, twisted intestinal loop (volvulus), and birth defects. is seen happening.

Dr. playing a key role in organ donation retrieval in civil hospital and working diligently in the field of organ donation. Nilesh Kachdia says about short bowel syndrome, a disease of the small intestine, that sufficient nutrients and water are not absorbed in the body from the food that the patients of this disease take in the body, so that all these nutrients are deficient. Such patients require lifelong total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Many of these patients cannot tolerate TPN in the long term. In reality, this treatment method is also very expensive. Life of such patients cannot last long. Small Intestine Transplantation is the only option for such people through which the afflicted patient can get a new lease of life.

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