The saint of Junagadh was worshiped in Jetod sitting on an elephant's trunk The saint of Junagadh was worshiped in Jetod sitting on an elephant's trunk

Junagadh12 minutes ago

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  • More than 50,000 people were present on the occasion of the construction of the new temple

The saint of Junagadh was worshiped at Jetod village on the back of an elephant. According to the details in this regard, Jetod village is located next to Himmatnagar. Dipu’s place is located in Jetod village. A new temple is going to be built here. Then the construction of Nutan Mandir was planned by the Gaman Santhal (landlord) family.

Mahant of Rudreshwar Jagir Bharti Ashram of Junagadh and Indrabhartiji Maharaj, National Vice President of Panchadashnam Old Akhara were also present on this occasion. Meanwhile, among the more than 50,000 people present on the occasion, Indrabhartiji Maharaj was felicitated on the elephant’s saddle.

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