Post on why Gurugram is better than Bengaluru for startups sparks debate | Trending

It is Gurugram vs Bengaluru on LinkedIn after Unfinance founder Kunwar Raj listed a few points about why the former is better than the latter to live in and for startups as well. Not just this, he even attached a picture of Gurugram with his LinkedIn post to make his point clear. The post, which comes at a moment when people in Bengaluru are dealing with heavy rainfall and flooding, triggered debate, with the founder receiving severe backlash online.

“No offence to the people in Bangalore but I’ve been saying since a loooong time Gurgaon is much better for startups or living in general,” wrote Kunwar Raj on LinkedIn.

Raj mentioned a few points to draw a comparison between Gurugram and Bengaluru. He wrote, “Airport is 20 minutes away. You can book cabs much much more easily. There’s a balance of opinions- not everyone talks about startups. Traffic is very manageable if you live in Gurgaon. If you’re travelling from Delhi then it’s bad during office hours. But not as bad as Bangalore. Metro connectivity is much better. I feel housing and societies are also much better. Rains. ..okay let’s not talk about that right now.”

“You can add to the list in the comments or tell me why Bangalore is better. Either way, I’m not moving,” the founder concluded his LinkedIn post.

Take a look at his LinkedIn post below:

A screengrab of the LinkedIn post that draws comparison between Gurugram and Bengaluru. (LinkedIn/Kunwar Raj)
A screengrab of the LinkedIn post that draws comparison between Gurugram and Bengaluru. (LinkedIn/Kunwar Raj)

Since being shared two days ago, the post has accumulated over 10,000 likes and nearly 60 shares. It even sparked debate online.

“You are absolutely right…but Bangalore is also a great place to work. Each city has its own benefits but in the end, what matters is how many lives we can impact with our work, whether sitting in Gurgaon or Bangalore,” posted an individual. “I will go with Noida!” joked another.

A third shared how Kolkata is a city with soul and why it is the best place for companies. He wrote, “Best place for companies is Kolkata, it is ranked 1st in terms of safety, sea not to far and also its more greener than gurgaon, cost of living is low here,pollution is also far lower compared to NCR and traffic is far better than bangalore; quality of life is also good as you get access to one of the finest cultural and intellectual centres of the country..its a city with soul..other cities makes people robotic human being.”

After his LinkedIn post went viral, the founder apologised for drawing comparisons and wrote in the comments section, “Hey guys, don’t take offence please, it is just my opinion on why I chose Gurgaon over Bangalore for my startup and living. I shared the reasons and asked you to share yours. The good part is you can choose to live wherever you want. Request you to not fight. I am extremely sorry. This was not a publicity stunt to promote my newsletter or anything, in fact I’ve removed it’s link as well. Let’s not post hate. Have a good day. Apologies again.”

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