Video: Man shoots at Russian draft officer amid anger over troop mobilisation | World News

A man opened fire at a military draft office in Russia’s Irkutsk region on Monday, the local governor said. The man has been detained, Reuters reported.

In a video widely shared on social media, the man can be seen identifying himself to police officers as Ruslan Zinin. The 25-year-old man opened fire at a draft office in the Siberian town of UstIlimsk. The video shows him as firing at least one shot inside the draft office.

Irkutsk regional governor Igor Kobzev said that the draft office head was in hospital in a critical condition, Reuters reported.

Several draft offices have been attacked in Russia since President Vladimir Putin declared a partial mobilisation on Wednesday to bolster Russian forces in Ukraine.

Amid massive protests in Russia, the Kremlin accepted that mistakes have been made in mobilisation call-ups adding that no decision had been taken so far on border closure, a move that was expected after martial law would be imposed in the country.

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