Beijing blasts US report that claimed Covid was leaked from China lab: ‘Smear’ | World News

China lashed out at a US senate report that claimed that Covid first appeared at a lab in the city of Wuhan, saying it was driven by politics in the US.

“US politicians are rehashing the lab-leak theory to smear China in disregard of facts,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday.

“Such acts are driven by ill-intentions. This will only hamper science-based origins tracing and undermine international anti-Covid cooperation,” Zhao Lijian added.

China has “made it clear on multiple occasions that the lab-leak theory from Wuhan is nothing but a lie fabricated by anti-China forces for political purposes and it has nothing to do with science,” he said.

Read more: Video: Workers flee China’s Covid lockdown at world’s biggest iPhone factory

The Republicans in the US Senate released a report on how the Covid could have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology underscoring that the findings still lack indisputable evidence.

In the report titled ‘An Analysis of the Origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic,’ the US Senate Republicans investigated the origin of the COVID virus and said, “Nearly three years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, substantial evidence demonstrating that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a research-related incident has emerged.”

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