Dhanteras 2022: With Diwali inching closer every passing day, everyone is eager to bring home all the Diwali decorations, sweets, gifts and some gold jewellery. People are filling up their shopping carts with last-minute gifts and other things with GOLD at the top. Diwali is a 5-day long festival starting with Dhanteras also known as Dhanvantri Triodashi.
Dhanteras is the best and the most auspicious of buying gold as it is said to bring good fortune and luck. This tradition of buying gold on Dhanteras is an age-old custom and is continued today with a few tweaks here and there.
Here is a list of things you should be careful of while buying gold on Dhanteras,
1. Only hallmarked jewellery
The most important thing is to buy gold items which have a full hallmark on them. Do not miss this mark which includes a BIS logo, the name/logo of the hallmark centre, the manufacturer logo and the purity of gold.
2. Set a plan
Make a careful and strategic decision while purchasing gold on Dhanteras otherwise it can hamper your monthly/yearly budget which not only impacts you but also your family. There is a wide variety of options in the market for people who are looking to buy heavy jewellery or higher-carat gold items as well as for people who want to just go buy the tradition and can simply purchase a gold earring or ring.
3. Check the making charges
Making charges make up the final cost of the jewellery before GST which is non-negotiable at all jewellery stores across the country. Check for the marking charges at your jewellery store and ensure that these charges are based on the design and the market rates. Luxury jewellery stores usually have a higher making charge, resulting in a high cost for the gold item.
4. Buy only from Trusted sellers
Before buying any jewellery it is extremely important to check for the authenticity of the seller and the gold item. You can check the purity of gold with a machine available at the jewellery store. There are a lot of black market vendors selling impure gold (mixed with other less precious metals) during Dhanteras so be sure to buy gold from trusted sellers only.
5. Buy-back policy
Keep a check on the policy of the particular jewellery store i.e. whether or not they have a buy-back policy in place. Some jewellery stores deduct a set amount while buying old pieces of jewellery to cover the costs considering the current gold prices. Do not rush into buying gold items, always check for the buy-back policy before making the purchase.
6. Certification of Jewellery
Purchase gold only with a certification of jewellery because regardless or being rich or poor, buying gold is a big investment and a crucial one on that. When you buy certified jewellery, there is security in place with its validity and reliability for the future in case of re-selling the jewellery.
Also Read: Dhanteras 2022: Check out 6 quick tips to find out purity of gold while buying it
Go big or not it should depend on your pocket. This Dhanteras may Goddess bless you and your home with growth, good fortune and abundance.