Weird things this Golden Retriever dog does will cheer you up. Watch | Trending

Those who have ever pet dogs or have been around them are pretty aware of their weird yet adorable actions. And this video that has been gaining traction shows just the same. The 20-seconds-long clip opens with a text insert that says, “Weird things my dog does…” And as the text insert suggests, it captures some weird things that this Golden Retriever dog named Teddy does. In the video, one can see a cute Golden Retriever dog Teddy falling asleep on the sofa in a weird position with his stuffed toy, staring at his mirror reflection and taking a nap in his human’s bathtub. He can also be seen standing behind the kitchen counter and giving a weird reaction. We won’t give away everything but will recommend you watch the video. It will surely cheer you up.

The video captioned “He’s a weird dog” was posted on the Twitter page AGuyandAGolden. It is dedicated to the Golden Retriever dog named Teddy and his human named Johnathan. The page has over 22,400 followers who look forward to the dog’s daily routine.

Watch the video that features the Golden Retriever dog and his antics here:

Since being shared on October 23, the video has raked up more than 25,300 views and close to 1,500 likes. Many also posted their thoughts in the comments section.

“Awww my boy loves tub naps too – it’s so cute,” posted an individual. “Your boy Teddy is Awesome. I enjoy the videos,” wrote another. “Love it!” commented a third.

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