What Indian-origin UK PM Rishi Sunak told cabinet on immigration in 1st meet | World News

New UK prime minister Rishi Sunak told his cabinet that illegal immigration was a complex and challenging issue, Reuters reported quoting the premier’s office.

“Rishi Sunak told cabinet that illegal immigration was a complex and challenging issue. But the public rightly expected the government to find a long-lasting solution.”

The statement comes following Suella Braverman’s reappointment as the home secretary in the newly-formed Rishi Sunak cabinet. Suella Braverman had quit the Liz Truss government last week over a technical breach of government rules.

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But her reappointment drew sharp criticism following her controversial remark claiming that Indians were the “largest group of people who overstay” their visas in the UK.

“Look at migration in this country – the largest group of people who overstay are Indian migrants,” she had said.

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“Appointing Suella Braverman as Home secretary just days after she was sacked for a security breach doesn’t smack of integrity, competence, professionalism or sensible politics. It’s just cynical manoeuvring. This PM’s no better than the last two,” Labour MP Chris Bryant said in a tweet.

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Another MP Caroline Lucas also criticized the appointment of Suella Braverman saying, “This government will have integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level’. Rishi Sunak in afternoon: ‘re-appoints Suella Braverman as Home Sec, after breaching official ministerial rules & “dreaming” of deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda’.”

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