Little girl teaches cute pet cat how to use a treadmill, video goes viral | Trending

The videos that capture fur babies interacting with human babies are such a delight to watch. Not only do they melt our hearts into puddles, but they often keep us glued to our screens and prompt us to watch the sweet interaction over and over again. And one such video that is sure to boost your soul is doing the rounds on social media through its several reshares.

The video posted on a Twitter page called Yog is credited to a TikTok user who uses the handle @danieIIesanford67. “Little girl teaches a cat how to use a treadmill,” read the caption posted along with the video. In it, one can see a little girl teaching her cute pet cat how to walk on the treadmill. As the video progresses, the cat inspects and then gets on the treadmill. And as soon as she did that, the little girl got all excited, giggled, and jumped for joy.

Watch the viral video below:

The video was shared a few hours on Twitter and has since amassed over one million views, and the numbers are still increasing. Many have also posted their reactions to the cute video through comments.

“I CANNOT BELIEVE she got that cat to do that. What a great cat!” wrote an individual on Twitter. “The cat does it better,” commented another. “‘Copycat’ is a real thing!” joked a third. “I have never been a fan of cats and honestly Twitter has helped me see…they are kinda cute and smart,” remarked a fourth.

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