Putin ‘informationally isolated’, could use ‘the bomb’ if…: Ukraine's Zelensky | World News | Times Of Ahmedabad

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called his Russian counterpart an “informationally isolated person” who had “lost everything” over the last year of war.

Russia-Ukraine War: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during an interview. (AP)
Russia-Ukraine War: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during an interview. (AP)

“He doesn’t have allies,” Zelensky asserting, adding that it was clear that even China was no longer willing to back Russia after Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Russia. The Ukrainian President also said that Putin’s nuclear provocations should not be believed as he does not believe the Russian leader is prepared to use the bomb.

“If a person wants to save himself, he really … will use these. I’m not sure he’s ready to do it,” Zelensky said, adding that Ukraine’s military has been bolstered by billions of dollars of ammunition and weaponry from Western nations. The Ukrainian leader welcomed the help but said some of the promised weapons had not yet been delivered.

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“We have great decisions about Patriots, but we don’t have them for real,” he said, adding that Kyiv needed more weapons “as no country in the world was attacked with so many ballistic rockets.”

If Russia defeats Ukraine in Bakhmut, Vladimir Putin would set out to “sell” a victory to the international community, Zelensky said.

“If he will feel some blood, smell that we are weak, he will push, push, push,” the Ukrainian leader said, adding that the pressure would come not only from the international community but also from within Ukraine.

“Our society will feel tired. Our society will push me to have compromise with them,” he said.

Additionally on tougher sanctions, Zelensky said that more should be done to target Vladimir Putin’s enablers, who “have to know that they will lose all their money … all their real estate in Europe or in the world, their yachts everywhere.”

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