Woman says paneer is better than chicken, starts Twitter war | Trending | Times Of Ahmedabad

People often take to Twitter to share their thoughts and opinions, including the ones that may be considered to be unpopular by others. More often than not, those posts pique the interest of other people and may even start a debate on Twitter. Just like this post by Twitter user Tanya Bhardwaj where she mentioned how she thinks that paneer is better than chicken. Her tweet has sparked a Twitter war.

The woman's 'paneer is better than chicken' tweet has created a buzz (representational image).(Unsplash)
The woman’s ‘paneer is better than chicken’ tweet has created a buzz (representational image).(Unsplash)

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“Unpopular opinion Paneer is better than chicken,” she tweeted. She also posted an image along with the tweet. The picture shows a paneer and roti kept on a plate with a cup of tea placed beside it.

Take a look at the post:

Since being posted a few days ago, the tweet has received more than 7.1 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. The share has also accumulated close to 2,600 likes. While some agreed with her opinion, others shared why they prefer chicken more.

Here are some Twitter users who agreed to her post.

“Yes. So true,” posted a Twitter user. “True,” commented another. “I personally prefer paneer to chicken,” expressed a third.

Take a look at the posts where people shared their disagreement:

“Paneer contains a lot of protein but nah chicken is better,” wrote a Twitter user. “Unpopular opinion but paneer is never better, it’s overrated,” expressed another. “Paneer bhi koi khane ki cheez hai… Chicken is best,” joined a third. “Ketchup with any sabzi is a crime bhai,” joked a fourth.

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