Do you know the right time for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Why is Ayurveda asking children to learn it?

Perfect time to eat breakfast and lunch: If you are asked what is the right time to have breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday? Then maybe you can tell an approximate correct time but if you are asked whether you do all these three things at the right time everyday? Then most people will answer no. And why not, nowadays the lifestyle has become such that there is no time for breakfast or dinner. What to eat is a far cry, when to eat, most people do not know this and due to this a person is becoming a home for diseases.

Let us tell you that Ayurveda advises all the elders to learn from their children about breakfast, lunch and dinner, because according to Ayurveda, school going children follow the right time and get better physical and mental development. This is also a secret of having a store of energy in their body.

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So let us know, what is the right time for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Breakfast time
Best time: Between 7 and 8 a.m.
When should you not eat – after 10 pm
Remember- you must eat something within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning.

lunch time
Best time: Between 12:30 and 2:00 PM
When should you not eat – after 4 pm
Remember- there must be a gap of 4 hours between breakfast and lunch.

dinner time
Best time: 6 to 8 p.m.
When should you not eat- after 9 pm
Remember- food should be eaten 3 hours before sleeping.

Children follow but elders do not
Delhi-based naturopath Nagendra Amulya says that generally school-going children follow almost the same routine due to their school timings, but often adults spoil their routine. In such a situation, it is important that the women of the house also follow the same routine for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so that diseases can be kept away.

These are the benefits
If you eat at the right time every day, not only do you remain healthy, but you also do not have physical and mental problems like fatigue, stress, irritation etc. and you remain happy. Food given to the body at the fixed time increases metabolism. Eating at the wrong time and at different times every day can make your body weak and prone to diseases.

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Tags: Health News, Lifestyle, Trending news

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