'If God comes to earth and says...', 81-year-old Biden challenges, says- No one is more qualified than me to become president

Washington. US President Joe Biden has dismissed speculation about his withdrawal from the election race after concerns over his health and a poor performance in the first presidential debate. Biden said that only ‘Almighty God’ can convince him to withdraw from the contest. Biden (81 years old) said this during an interview with a television channel. Biden’s popularity rating has fallen after his poor performance in the debate with former President Donald Trump on June 27 in Atlanta as part of the presidential election process. After which some leaders of his own Democratic Party had urged him to withdraw from the presidential election race.

Biden said that he was ‘tired and sick’ before his first debate with former President Trump as part of the presidential election process. US President Biden also said that only ‘Almighty God’ can take him out of the presidential election race to be held on November 5. Biden claimed that he is ‘running the world’ and no one is ‘more qualified than him’ to become president. Biden, who entered the electoral fray with the aim of becoming president for the second time, accused Trump of being a ‘habitual liar’.

Biden said- I am sick…
During an interview with ‘ABC News’, Biden talked about his poor performance in his first presidential debate and said, “I was tired. I did not listen to my heart while preparing.” This was his first interview with a television channel after his first debate. He said, “I was sick. I was feeling very sick. The doctor was with me. I asked him if he had tested me for COVID-19. He was trying to find out what was the reason for my illness. He tested me for COVID but I was not infected. I just had a cold.”

Even though he is 81 years old, Biden is still showing his strength, he made such a bold announcement that Trump will be troubled

If God comes and says…
Biden said that his poor performance in the debate was no one else’s fault ‘but my own.’ Biden said that no prominent leader of the Democratic Party has asked him to withdraw from the election. He said that he will withdraw from the presidential election race only if ‘Almighty God’ asks him to do so. He said that ‘If the Almighty God comes to earth and says ‘Joe Biden, get out of the race’, then I will withdraw from the election race. Almighty God is not coming down.’ Biden earlier said during a rally in Wisconsin that he is in the election race and he will win the election again.

Tags: America News, Joe Biden, US President Joe Biden

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