The government bowed before the public, withdrew the tax law after the death of 22 people, the President said – we accept the decision

New Delhi, Vacate the throne or the public is coming… These lines of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar perfectly fit the situation in the African country Kenya. The government there made a heavy law to collect more taxes. People came out on the streets in protest against it. They revolted against the government. They even entered the Parliament and tried to set it on fire. More than 22 people were killed in police firing. Finally, the government had to bow down to the public. The government has announced to withdraw that controversial law.

According to a Reuters report, Kenyan President William Ruto said he was withdrawing the controversial tax hike finance bill following deadly protests on Tuesday. In his address to the nation, he said it was clear that Kenyans did not want to bring this bill. They did not accept it. I bow my head to their decision and accept their decision. I will not sign this bill.

rebellion against the law
According to the Kenya National Human Rights Commission, at least 22 people have died and hundreds have been injured in the protests against the tax law. President Ruto said that he will now talk to the youth. He will try to explain to them how important such laws are for the country. When the rebellion against the law began, initially President Ruto tried to crush it with force. But when the protesters entered the Parliament and started setting fire, he had to bow down.

Address to the nation twice in 24 hours
Seeing the situation going out of control, the President addressed the nation twice in less than 24 hours. He explained how important it was for the country to increase taxes. The country is in debt of 80 billion dollars, 35 percent of its revenue is going only in paying its interest. If we were able to repay some of the debt, farmers, students and teachers would have benefited. However, later the President accepted that people are not with him. However, it is not clear whether his withdrawal will stop the protests or not, because the protests are going on through social media.

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