In the month of Shravan, city bus route number five in Nagalpur remained closed on Saturday In the month of Shravan, city bus route number five remained closed in Nagalpur on Saturday

Mehsana25 minutes ago

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  • Regular monthly payments to the agency without even bothering to inform the municipality
  • Despite the condition of putting another bus in frequent breakdowns, the agency does not comply

Gurukupa Travels Agency earns an average income of Rs.12 to 14 lakh per month for running city buses in different 10 routes of Mehsana city. If the city bus breaks down on the route, it does not put another bus in spite of the condition of putting another bus and does not even inform the municipality about the break down. It is said when someone notices and asks the municipal agency.

In such a situation Mehsana Palika is paying monthly payment by deducting only 5000 penalty from the bill in breakdown to the agency. A temple of Shivaji is located in Nagalpur during the holy month of Shravan. There is free city bus service for women. In this way, the city bus of route number 5 remained closed on Saturday. As soon as it came to the attention of the ruling party leader, he informed the branch. Ruling party leader Kirtibhai Patel said that action should be taken against the agency that does not arrange the breakdown city bus instead of another agency on festive days.

The days of Shravan month have started in the city, the festival of Raksha Bandhan is approaching. Women in the bazaar go to the Shivalaya for darshan by city bus for various shopping purposes. City bus plying route number five covering Nagalpur village, old age home also reaches Mahadev temple in the area. The city bus was closed on this route since morning. As soon as the leader of the ruling party came to the notice, Hareshbhai Patel, the city bus incharge of the municipality, drew attention to this matter, the branch officer contacted the agency and the agency informed about the break down today, sources in the branch said.

Despite the condition of putting another bus in the place of break down, another bus is not put on the route, the municipality deducts only Rs 5000 from the penalty bill if the bus of the route is stopped when another bus is put.

Two or three buses break down every month
Two or three buses break down like this every month, but there is a rumor that other buses are not running. There are also complaints that the city bus is running at a higher speed in some routes. Ruling party leader Kirtibhai Patel said that Shravan month is the festival of Raksha Bandhan, so if the city bus is stopped on the route, appropriate action should be taken against the agency in addition to penalty. It may be mentioned here that due to lack of grant to some other agencies in various operations of the municipality, payments are delayed for more than six months. While the monthly bill payments to the city bus agency are regular within one or two months, the agency does not even bother to inform the municipality that the city bus is broken down on the route. But the municipality is raining regularly.

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