In the Rajkot police action on Botad Lattha incident, checking was carried out by flying a drone in Jungleshwar, which is considered as the hub of desi liquor breweries. Rajkot police checking by drone for found deshi wine units

Rajkot21 minutes ago

Rajkot police checked with drone.

Police have become alert across the state after the Lathka incident in Botad. Rajkot Police has also come into action today. A drone checking campaign has been launched in Jungleeshwar, the hub of country breweries in the city. Rajkot city and district police are also checking country liquor for the last one week. Today, a new experiment has been conducted by the police since morning. In which intensive checking is being done in areas including Jangaleshwar with drones.

Large quantities of country liquor are sold in these areas of the city
It is known that country liquor is being sold on a large scale in Jangaleshwar, Kitipara, Kubliapara and Chotunagar of the city. Regarding this, various teams of the Rajkot city police used drone cameras as a novel experiment to find country breweries in the city. Early in the morning, a liquor drive was conducted in Kublia Para, Jangleshwar, Chhotunagar slum, Kitipara and Raidhar using drone cameras.

Drone checking of local breweries in the city.

Drone checking of local breweries in the city.

Possibility of seizing a large quantity of country liquor
It is worth mentioning that the city police takes action by conducting drives at regular intervals. This operation was done with the help of drone camera from early morning today. In which DCP Crime Dr. Partharaj Singh Gohil, ACP Crime D.V. SOG PI J.D. in Rahbari, Basia. Jhala, Crime Branch PI Y.B. Jadeja, J.V. Apart from Dhola, Parole Furlough’s team was also assigned PSI B.T. Gohil and the teams did the work. A large quantity of country liquor is likely to be seized in this action.

Police checking campaign from early morning today.

Police checking campaign from early morning today.

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