Knttolaa Vegetables Best For Health

Boost Your Immunity: You must include seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet to make your body healthy and strong. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals strengthens the body. Due to which the immune system is also strengthened. We are telling you about a vegetable that is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Yes, we are talking about the cantaloupe that looks like a bitter gourd. You will easily find these vegetables in abundance in every shop during the monsoon season in Gujarat. Some people also call it Van Karela or Kantola. This herb strengthens the body. Kantola is rich in nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, copper and magnesium. You should definitely have it in your diet.

Kantola contains these nutrients:

Kantola contains not just one or two but all the nutrients. Contains protein, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D2 and 3, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin H, vitamin K, copper, zinc have That is, this is not an ordinary vegetable. These vegetables contain all the vitamins that make the body strong. Kankoda taaseer is hot and very delicious to eat. Eating it gives the body all the energy it needs.

Benefits of Kantola:
1- Eating Kantola strengthens the immune system. It also relieves the problem of cold, cough and cold.
2- Eating Kantola does not cause headache, hair loss, earache, cough, stomach infection.
3- Eating Kantola also cures diseases like piles and jaundice.
4- Eating Kantola is also very beneficial in diabetes. It keeps the blood sugar level under control.
5- Eating kantola is also beneficial against ringworm, itching caused in rain.
6- Consuming Kantola is also beneficial in paralysis, swelling, unconsciousness and eye problems.
7- You can eat Kantola even when you have fever.
8- It also helps in protecting against serious diseases like blood pressure and cancer.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not endorse the methods and claims made in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Consult a doctor before following any such treatment/medicine/diet.

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