Joe Biden on whether his party would win in US midterm elections: ‘I think…’ | World News

US president Joe Biden was asked whether his party would do well in the midterm elections currently underway. “Will the Democrats win the House?” Joe Biden was asked as he arrived back at the White House.

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“I think it’s going to be tough, but I think we can. I think we’ll win the Senate. I think the House is tougher,” Joe Biden said. Joe Biden’s approval rating is the lowest of any president, sitting at 40%- lower than his recent predecessors.

The Democrat party currently has a 220-212 advantage in the House of Representatives. Overall, Republican need a gain of just five seats as a number of representatives are retiring this year which gives the Republicans an advantage.

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Almost every president in power has lost more than 29 seats in their first midterm elections and on seven occasions since 1945 where the president’s approval rating has been below 50%, he lost an average of 43 seats.

So, Joe Biden’s worry for the House of Representatives may be valid but analysts say that abortion rights has played a major role in these elections that could energise Joe Biden’s base to vote and buck the trend.

Although, Donald Trump backing many Republicans in the race could also impact how Americans vote.

As US votes in the crucial elections, the country’s economy continues to deal with the aftermath of the pandemic and a spike in gas prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine- as many countries are.

It remains to be seen if Joe Biden’s prediction for his own party comes true.

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