Andrew Tate's scathing attack on mainstream media - 'MSM are scum & clowns…" | World News | Times Of Ahmedabad

Andrew Tate, the former kickboxer turned controversial internet personality, is making headlines yet again. This time, he’s claiming victory over Vice Media, which he says has messed with the wrong person.

According to Tate, he has dozens of journalists from mainstream media outlets emailing him, trying to be his friend. They're apparently so terrified of the
According to Tate, he has dozens of journalists from mainstream media outlets emailing him, trying to be his friend. They’re apparently so terrified of the “dastardly plans” he has in store for them.(AP)

In a tweet that has since gone viral, Tate stated that Vice “f***** with” him and lost. He also teased a revenge documentary he’s been working on, which he claims will expose the media company for its alleged wrongdoing. NYT reported that “Vice is said to be heard towards bankruptcy,” and Tate is claiming this as his own victory.

But that’s not all. According to Tate, he has dozens of journalists from mainstream media outlets emailing him, trying to be his friend. They’re apparently so terrified of the “dastardly plans” he has in store for them that they’re promising to stop lying about him and even mention his charitable acts for the first time ever.

The Dangerous Rise of Andrew Tate documentary, produced by Vice Media, sheds light on the darker aspects of his life and beliefs. It exposed alleged abuse and gave a platform to his victims. Now, with Vice Media facing financial turmoil and filing for bankruptcy, Tate sees it as his victory, claiming that they messed with the wrong person.

Tate seems to relish in the power he holds over these journalists, calling them “clowns” and claiming that they need him for views, while he doesn’t need them. He even goes so far as to say that he’s “broken the Matrix” and is the most popular and topical man on the planet.

It’s hard to tell how much of what Tate is saying is true and how much is just bravado. After all, this is a man who has been accused of promoting violence against women and who has faced numerous controversies over the years.

But one thing is clear: He seems to revel in the attention he receives, whether it’s positive or negative. And with Vice Media reportedly facing financial difficulties and laying off employees, it’s possible that Tate sees this as an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot.

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