Criminals have brought a new Jugaad for cyber fraud, the girl will ask questions, you will be looted by pressing a button

Cyber Crime news: In the field of cyber crime, there are many masters waiting to loot people’s pockets. They are adopting new tricks and bringing new techniques for cyber fraud every day. This time also a new method of fraud has come in the market. It is so dangerous and clever that by the time you come to know about this fraud, your bank account will be emptied. Many such cases have reached the cyber cells in Delhi.

After availing any facility online, from online payment to payment through credit or debit card, the company and bank often call you and take feedback. Nowadays, due to cyber security, many banks have made it mandatory to take feedback from the customer by calling on the registered mobile phone before okaying any payment, so that no other person can cheat the customer of his money.

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However, many times cyber criminals are also making a living out of such facilities. You will remember that after the arrival of Corona, when vaccination was done, you would often get a call asking whether you have got vaccinated or not? Please respond and definitely get vaccinated. You must have also given such feedback. However, now a button pressed by you can cause you huge loss.

Cyber ​​expert Kislay Chaudhary associated with Delhi Police says that this time another cyber fraud has come in the market. In this, a normal call comes from some number. A girl’s voice comes from there and asks you whether you have taken the corona vaccine or not? If yes, then press one, otherwise press two. Usually, if people have taken the vaccine, they immediately press the button for feedback, and the game starts there.

Kislay says that as soon as you press one or two buttons, your phone will hang. By the time you understand anything, your phone will be in the grip of cyber hackers and money will be stolen from your account.

Many cases of fraud in the name of corona vaccine have reached the police. Therefore, the police is also alerting people about this and asking them to avoid answering any phone call without reason.

Kislay says that cyber criminals are so smart that they know how to trap a person. They are coming up with such things that the person will not even think that this can also be a method of fraud. So be very alert. Do not pick up any junk call. If you do pick up, then do not give any kind of response.

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Tags: Cyber Attack, Cyber Crime, Cyber Crime News, Cyber Fraud

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