For 91 years, no American President or Vice President has had a beard, now Vance will break the trend!

A Bearded Vice President?: Former President Donald Trump strongly dislikes bearded people and this is a well-known fact. Donald Trump, who is very particular about his clothes and grooming, once asked his son Donald Trump Jr. to give up his beard. According to a report in The Washington Post, Donald Trump’s dislike for bearded people is so much that after becoming President in 2016, while selecting his administrative staff, he considered a person negative because he had a beard. His dislike is to such an extent that when Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) was informed of being selected for the post of Vice President, reporters asked Trump if he had any problem with this flamboyant senator who had a beard.

Curtis was the last vice president to have a moustache
When Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump announced Vance as his running mate on Monday, it wasn’t just a big step for him. It was also a big step for America, which hasn’t had a bearded vice president or vice presidential candidate for decades. The last man with a mustache was Charles Curtis, who became vice president on the Republican ticket with Herbert Hoover in 1932.

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Vance’s Beard is a return to old tradition
Republican vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance also managed to break this ‘beard barrier’. In other words, he managed to break the long-standing norm of only clean-shaven politicians being allowed to run for the highest office in the country. Trump told a radio that he thinks his running mate looks good with a beard, “like a young Abraham Lincoln.” So Vance’s candidacy marks the return of a century-old tradition of bearded politicians. Facial hair is certainly nothing new to the Oval Office. It has long been considered unprofessional and unkempt, though. But certainly in the last 15 years or so, there has been a return to that kind of rugged, more masculine-looking face.

Lincoln was the first president to have a beard
Hairy faces were frowned upon in George Washington’s era. The Civil War brought a trend toward thick beards — which began to fade in the early 20th century. A look at the records of the Library of Congress, as well as portraits of presidents and vice presidents, reveals changing beauty trends. Abraham Lincoln was the first president to have facial hair. After Lincoln, nine of the next 11 presidents sported some type of beard or mustache, a trend that ended with William Howard Taft, who was president from 1909 to 1913.

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Colfax was the first vice president to have a beard
Vice presidents followed suit to some extent. The first to sport facial hair was Schuyler Colfax. Colfax He was the 17th Vice President from 1869 to 1873. In the next 14 elections, seven men with facial hair became vice president. No vice presidential candidate has had facial hair since then. Only two presidential candidates have had facial hair: Charles Evans Hughes in 1916 and Thomas E. Dewey in 1944 and 1948. But both Republicans lost the election.

Beard boosts confidence
Hair cutting expert Conrad said Vance’s beard highlights how facial hair has come back into fashion. He said a well-groomed beard today can be a confidence booster, even though in the past bearded men were seen as hippies or yuppies or slovenly.

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In Conrad’s eyes, Vance’s beard makes him mature. When the vice presidential candidate was climbing the ladder of fame in 2016, his face was gentle and his appearance looked childish. By the time he contested the Senate election in 2022, he had started growing a full beard. That is, he has been growing a beard for years. That is, the beard has long been a center of attraction for people. People are looking at Vance, one of Donald Trump’s trusted aides, as a sign of change. Even a friend of Vance from law school said that his new look attracts more attention. The friend said, “He looks different.”

Tags: Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr, Donald Trump supporters, US President

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