Preaching is necessary to keep the mind happy : MS. | Preaching is necessary to keep the mind happy : MS.

HimmatnagarAn hour ago

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  • Maharaj Saheb’s lecture at Mahaveernagar in Himmatnagar city

Muni Gnanodaya Vijay Maharaj and Panchamrut Vijay Maharaj in the front link of the Shwetambar Jain enlightening lecture series based on Upadesh Mala Granth in the courtyard of Sri Mahaveernagar Jain Sangh said that the author of this holy book is Pujya Dharmadas Gani Maharaj. Who was a king in the worldly state. Experiencing the deceptions, entanglements, and quarrels of the world, Sramana attained a state of dispassion and accepted initiation by the boon of Lord Mahavira. He was successfully born as a disciple of the Lord. As much as there was joy in the pleasures of the kingdom, so much more joy was there in the renunciation of pleasures, in becoming a disciple of the Lord.

He had knowledge of 14 BC. In our simple language, knowledge before 14 means all the languages ​​of the world, all the books of the world, what is in the mind of all the people of the world? Accurate knowledge of their past and future! (Not the knowledge of distant ghosts and futures) This explanation has been given in simple language.

Preaching is very necessary for all persons in the world. If all living beings in the world believe that I have to listen to sermons (satsang discourses, santvani, prabhvani) to acquire life-improving qualities of kindness, benevolence, non-violence, contentment, honesty, modesty, prudence, justice, simplicity, goodness, gratitude etc. Court-office, police station, prison work should not be over-lightened, what is the root of all the troubles? I know everything, I know everything, I know everything, I have nothing left to learn for selfishness. “I am something” and what is the root of all happiness? I am incomplete, I am imperfect, I am ignorant, I have much to learn.

To keep the body healthy, to remove diseases like air, water, food, medicine, doctor, medicine are very necessary to keep the mind happy, to get the health of the mind (the health of the mind is more important than the health of the body. If the body is sick but the mind is healthy, then a person will feel happiness. If the body is healthy, but the mind is in a state of confusion, a person will feel pain, right?) Preaching is very necessary. Many self-sacrificing devotees are coming every day to listen to enlightening discourses.

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