More than 100 suction pipes found in damaged condition from TP 13 fire station More than 100 suction pipes were found in damaged condition from TP 13 fire station

VadodaraAn hour ago

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More than 100 suction pipes were found in damaged condition from the roof of TP 13 fire station.  - Divya Bhaskar

More than 100 suction pipes were found in damaged condition from the roof of TP 13 fire station.

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Ward 1 councilors visited Chhani TP 13 fire station on Sunday and found gross negligence. More than 100 unused suction pipes were found on the roof of the station. On the other hand, one of the tires of the ambulance found a year ago was damaged and it was also seen eating dust.

In the fire station of Chhani TP 13, there has been a commotion as the material used in fire and rescue work is found to be in a scrap condition. Congress councilors Pushpaben Vaghela, Harish Patel and Jahad Bharwad made a surprise visit on Sunday and exposed the negligence of the fire brigade department. When the councilors reached the roof of the office, a large amount of suction pipe was found in a bad condition.

An estimated amount of more than 100 pipes were lying unused. The pipe was found by the fire department in 2008. A pipe lying on the roof for years had burst due to the effects of summer and monsoon. According to Councilor Pushpaben Vaghela, the ambulance that was received a year ago is lying idle as only one tire needs to be changed.

Empty bottles of foreign liquor were also found on the roof of the fire station
The councilors who paid a surprise visit to the fire station were outraged that the equipment bought worth crores was lying unused. Councilor Jaha Bharwad said that an empty liquor bottle was found from the roof. From which it is established that there may be alcohol consumption. On the other hand, three such boats worth 1 crore fell into wreckage. But before their arrival all the boats have been moved.

Tenders for purchase of goods have been issued
In 2008, the Disaster Department provided materials including a 4-inch suction pipe. In which the damage pipe was placed on the roof. There is only one boat and it is operational. Ambulance is falling due to bad tire. Tenders are issued for purchase of equipment, but no bids are submitted. It is not known where the empty liquor bottle came from. > Harshavardhan Puwar, Fire Station Officer

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